our pastor:

Pastor Thessa G. Smith, M.Div
Senior Pastor
Email: tgsmith@umcsc.org

It is my great pleasure to serve God as the Senior Pastor of Trinity United Methodist Church, Greenwood, South Carolina. Our church-family is composed of some of the friendliest people you could ever hope to meet.
Here, we come together to worship God, to study His Word, to encourage each other, to pray for each other, and to discern together ways we can reach out to our hurting world with the Good News of the Gospel. Here, we are a family – not always perfect, but always bound together by something greater than we are. Centered on God’s Word, and empowered by His Holy Spirit, together we seek to be the kind of congregation our Lord has called us to be.
We would love to welcome you in worship and other activities here; we would love for you to come get to know our family so that we may worship and serve the Lord together. Come join us on our journey as we are Connecting and Transforming through God’s Love. Servants Dedicated to Embracing, Empowering, and Encouraging a Global Community. Praying daily for God’s Will: Nothing More, Nothing Less, Nothing Else!
To God Alone Be the Glory!
Thessa G. Smith, Provisional Elder